o-woman-crying-facebookNO!!! she screamed as she begged him to stop

Why is she here in this spot

Stop, please don’t do this you see

Why do you want to take this from me?

I did nothing wrong did nothing to you but you hurt me so,

This will emotionally kill me you know

He hit me and he slapped me around 

I find myself, face down on the ground

This big dark shadow of a so called man

I start to cry as i feel his hand

My heart is beating oh so fast, I cry and I am screaming pleases don’t make it last

I am just a young girl a woman, well all grow so fast 

Stop this pain, this hurt, this rape

I did nothing to you to deserve this, death to my soul this certain will make

Soon it is over and the ripping is done

But my pain is only beginning with each mornings sun

No one will understand and no one will see just what this pig of a man has done to me

He took something form me I will never get back, gone forever, now my want for touch will forever lack

Now I can’t be touched I feel dirty and ashamed

My heart and my soul has been left hurt and lame

An emptiness has filled my once promise filled soul, Now all that is left is a blood filled bowl

I was once a beautiful woman happy and spry

Now with every mornings sun I start to cry

I ask the lord ,why me I say, why was my very being taken form me that day

Something has been taken and I will never get back, The slow erosion of my soul, has begun to crack

So now I lay here and I wonder if I should, should I even try,

If you are a man you will never understand…

If she says no, STOP

If she hesitates, STOP

Listen to her,

make her laugh,

make her feel special,

make her needs , your needs,

Feed her inner soul,

Give her hope,

Grant her wishes,

Give her the peace she deserves,

Because women are our greatest gift, life simply would not be, without them.

Love them and they will give you  all you can possibly ever want

Respect, Respect, Respect