images-4Here again I sit and wonder about life. How is it that we as humans in this life together seem to just miss the point. Do we even know what the point even is? I know that for me I do not know. We all struggle to find our way each and every day. We rise to the same droll mundane existence and muddle through life just barely  getting through.

How can we ever expect to live if we are dead to all that surrounds us? The other day I was in a store and there was a woman in front of me. We both paid and were waiting for our food. For no reason at all I said hello to her just because she was there and it was polite. She said hello in reply and continued to speak and thank me for saying hello. She went on further to say that people just don’t talk anymore. I agreed in that what are we afraid of? Why don’t we talk to other people ? Maybe we are so cought up in our own lives trying to figure them out , that we simply don’t have any room to hear anyone’s story. Maybe we are insecure in our own lives that we don’t have the courage to start a conversation. What ever the reason we just need to do it. No one out there cares about what your eating or where you were lats night or what you’re wearing. Really they just want what you want and that is to just talk. Most people don’t really want to know your life history, most just want to say hi to another person. You never know where it may end up.we all seem to be looking for a friend. But we are to standoffish to just walk up to some one and say hello. 

 Not every conversation needs to lead some where. Just talk and say something funny make them laugh, you will be surprised how it will change their day and you never really know how it may change their life.

 This is rather ironic for me to be commenting about this, I for one don’t like to chat. I am just that way. I will however say hello to strangers. I wont ask how you are or how is it going, sorry I just don’t want to know. I will listen to you if you share and I will show empathy, I will help you, I will give to you. But I just don’t understand why people need to rehash the same old story’s. I guess it is because they just don’t have anything new to say.

 Well I have gone on long enough. I guess I am being presumptuous in that I think anyone might read this crap , but it is my way of letting the world know that I am not just a pretty face. Anyway Just say hi , you never know what may happen……